

The Repair & Clear Program-  Support Healthy Immune and Digestive Function is described in detail here!

Repair-and-Clear-Kit Instructions.pdf

If the digestive system is working properly, we have the maximum absorption of nutrients, resulting in energy and vitality. When the digestive system is not working well, we have bloating, systemic inflammation, skin rashes, food sensitivities, constipation, abdominal discomfort, fatigue, and many other diverse non-specific symptoms such as headaches, poor mood, joint pain and muscle fatigue.

The digestive tract may become compromised with a diet high in refined sugar, a diet low in fiber, as well as antibiotics, medications, stress, parasitic infections, bacterial infections, nutrient deficiencies, and alcohol use. These mechanisms may promote inflammation of the intestinal tract and lead to increased intestinal permeability.

In the last few decades, poor nutritional habits, stressful lifestyles, infections, and chemical exposures have caused significant health problems in our society. While these factors have a significant impact on the population’s health, certain steps can be taken to support health and wellness. These include aiding 4 of the body’s key functions: digestion and detoxification, immunity and repairing itself to stay healthy.

The Repair & Clear Program targets all of these functions through nutritional supplements and a specific diet regimen.

The 6-week comprehensive plan provides the same nutritional compounds, botanical extracts, and antioxidants that support healthy detoxification and digestion in the basic plan. In addition, it begins with three key supplements during week 1 to support a healthy anti-inflammatory response and to provide antioxidant and immune protection and support.

The Repair & Clear Program is a vital answer to help support health NOW. It can naturally support the underlining mechanisms of many mysterious conditions which seem to evade the doctor’s diagnosis and treatments until it’s too late.

Special Info

We can re-engineer our DNA and re-program our own genetic personal blueprints to create an optimum healthy immune and anti inflammatory response. We can improve the absorption of nutrients. Then rekindle our detoxification system clearing out the toxins*.


This is really health science at its best!! When working properly the immune system protects us from invasion by foreign microbes. It’s our bodies military system to identify and destroy organisms that may harm us or live off our energy reserves such as bacteria parasites viruses etc.

However the immune system does more than just protect us from non self-germs, the immune system is involved destroying our own cells to help us eliminate dead or aging /dying cells, the process is called, “cellular apoptosis “. This is programmed cell death for regeneration. If this fails cancer develops.

Our immune system is responsible for creating inflammatory responses that allow us to heal after injury but if inflammatory response is not regulated properly it can promote degenerative changes and disease.

One type of disease is autoimmunity which starts silently, then years later develops symptoms and then in the last stage is called a disease. There are seven major areas involved with expression of autoimmunity. Activation of these areas has been shown to have a direct consequence in the severity of the autoimmune disease.

The Repair & Clear Program deals with supporting all of these to move towards balanced function.

With The Repair & Clear Program there are substances that have been established for supporting these mechanisms to calm down attacks found in any autoimmune condition.*

There are 3 Stages of autoimmunity: Silent, Symptoms and Destruction of tissues- all with an attack of the bodies various tissues from its own immune antibodies. Prevention and Support are aimed at early detection of tissue antibodies ( The specific measures to take are to give the support and diet to help decrease inflammation, a leaky gut, and poor detoxification which is where The Repair & Clear Program Shines.

Therefore the clinical management of autoimmunity is to try to modulate expression of the autoimmune response in a way to decrease the self-destructing expression of the condition.

There are several types of immune activation that can be increasing or decreasing the autoimmunity. Some people are more susceptible and may initially lose self-tolerance and develop auto immune reactions earlier in life.

Once an individual develops autoimmunity, care must be taken. It is the ability to respond to the increase and support the decrease of the expression of the immune system — support is targeted at key immunological pathways with diet, nutrition, and lifestyle–may provide support to improve the quality of life and health.

The Repair & Clear Program is designed to do that, with 3 steps to improve all seven of the major areas of autoimmune reactivity.

 Here are the instructions for the basic and comprehensive  Repair and Clear Program /Repair-and-Clear-Kit.pdf

Additional information

Suggested Use

Follow the 3 phases, and reset your DNA for greater health with a 6 week program.
Each step is detailed in a full color brochure, included with each kit.

The first phase requires no dietary changes, and lasts 1 week and includes Tumero Active, Resvero Active and Ultra- D Complex.
The second phase, is to Support and Repair the Intestines, this phase may be extended from 2 weeks up to 12 weeks depending on the health of the gut and your immune status. Any autoimmunity patients, such as those with Hashimoto's, Lupus, Diabetes, or those with severe allergies or brain conditions such as depression, or any neurological symptoms etc. could extend this Phase 2 from 2 weeks up to 12 weeks if desired for full benefit.
The Liver Support Phase lasts 3 weeks. Re introduction of the foods you have removed during this program should be carefully done and any return of symptoms from a particular food may be a sign for future avoidance.

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Nutrition Facts

For Nutritional Info – See each individual Repair and Clear Product
The 6 week program would consist of the following number of bottles and products:

2 ClearVite®-SF (K24)
4 Ultra-D Complex™ (K35)
1 Strengtia® (K61)
1 RepairVite® (K60)
1 Hepato-Synergy™ (K69)
2 Turmero™ Active (K75)
2 Resvero™ Active (K76)
1 Glutathione Recycler-SM (K81)
1 Nitric Balance-SM (K82)
1 GI-Synergy®-SM (K83)


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