Introducing Sleep Reset ™ supplements

Support for Normal Sleep/Awake Rhythm: these supplements aid those who are tired in the morning and wired at night?

  • Adrenal Calm™
  • Adaptocrine™
  • Sublingual B-12 (Created by Apex Energetics)

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5-HTP, 150 Capsules


Supplies L-5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan (5-HTP), the precursor to serotonin, a key neurotransmitter. Caution: Very high doses of 5-HTP can be metabolized peripherally and can trigger excess serotonin formation. 5-HTP is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women and should be avoided by those with any form of cardiovascular disease. 5-HTP should not be used by those taking serotonin, 5-HTP, or receptor agonists (naratriptan, sumatriptan, zolmitriptan).

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) (90 Vegetarian Capsules)


5-HTP increases serotonin levels to promote restful sleep, manage stress, and decrease sugar cravings.* It contains pyridoxal 5′-phosphate, the active form of vitamin B6 and the necessary cofactor for the conversion of 5-HTP to serotonin.

Cytozyme-PT/HPT (Neonatal Pituitary/Hypothalamus), 180 Tablets


Cytozyme-PT/HPT supplies glandular specific support as Lamb Pituitary/Hypothalamus Complex Concentrate, combined with SOD and catalase, important antioxidant enzymes.

Cytozyme-PT/HPT (Neonatal Pituitary/Hypothalamus), 60 Tablets


Cytozyme-PT/HPT supplies glandular specific support as Lamb Pituitary/Hypothalamus Complex Concentrate, combined with SOD and catalase, important antioxidant enzymes.

De-Stress, 30 Capsules


De-Stress™ supplies a patented, all natural, bio-active peptide (derived from milk), which has anxiolytic (inhibits anxiety) activity. In other words, De-Stress can be used to reduce stress and anxiety! De-Stress is clinically proven to be effective.

Insomnia Remedy


Supplementing with ADHS, Cytozyme PT/HPT and Bio-CMP to calm the adrenal glands will in many cases support the areas needed and the insomnia will correct.

K56 Vitamin B-12- Max® (Raspberry) 3x the potency of Vitamin B-12


B-12 Max (Methylcobalamin) (K-56) by Apex Energetics is a raspberry flavor liquid vitamin B-12 supplement. It is especially beneficial for people who are unable to absorb B12 from food or don’t get enough because of a vegetarian diet, for example. A typical pattern is macrocytic anemia meaning the blood cells get large but don’t have adequate quantities of hemoglobin. One common symptom is fatigue. We also recommend anyone having any brain issue to take this Vitamin B12 for the methyl donors inherent in the vitamin that your brain needs to make neurotransmitters

Melaton-3 3 mg, 60 Vegetarian Capsules


To enhance sleep and help maintain normal circadian rhythms*
Melaton-3 supports restful sleep, helps balance circadian rhythms, and provides benefit for shift workers, those with jet lag, and individuals with an age-related decrease in melatonin.* NSF Certified for Sport®

Melaton-5 5 mg, 60 Vegetarian Capsules


To enhance sleep and help maintain normal circadian rhythms*
Melaton-5 supports restful sleep, helps balance circadian rhythms, and provides benefit for shift workers, those with jet lag, and individuals with an age-related decrease in melatonin.*

Neuro-5-HTP Plus, 90 Capsules


Neuro-5-HTP Plus™ supplies 5-HTP (L-5-Hydroxy Tryptophan) with L-Theanine and B-vitamin synergists with SOD and catalase. 5-HTP (derived from L-Tryptophan) is converted to serotonin, a key neurotransmitter. L-theanine (from green tea), a derivative of L-glutamic acid, may possess mood-modulating activity as a result of increase production of alpha-brain wave activity.

PharmaGABA-250, 60 Vegetarian Capsules


Contains natural-source GABA, a brain chemical to promote a calm state of mind and restful sleep*
PharmaGABA features a natural source of the inhibitory neurotransmitter – GABA. GABA supports restful sleep, acts like a “brake” on stress, and provides a focused state of mind.*